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A starting point to get you started with creating or converting your existing website/webapp into a Progressive Web App. Includes a service worker template.

1. Create a mainfest.json file

A full example of all this is seen here

Remember the mainfest.json and serverworker.js need to be at the root.

2. Add the manifest.json

Add the manifest.json reference to the index.html file’s head tag: ``

3. Add a Service Worker

To get started with service workers, you first need to create a service worker’s JavaScript file. Will be placed in the root. You can see one here

4. Now register the service worker

You can add this file to load event in your javascript of html. You can see one here

5. Now reload
You could see in the network tab. The Service worker is taking care of loading of the assets. Pssss also it works offline. Disable the wifi and refresh